10 Weirdest Adverts Featuring Star Trek Actors

5. Time Computers - Leonard Nimoy

This ad for Time Warner, Time Machine Computers features Leonard Nimoy relating the latest in technology, in the form of a DVD-drive on a desktop computer. While the ad has of course aged considerably, Nimoy's earnest delivery makes this as enjoyable today as it would have been back in 1998.

Imagine, he muses, an entire film or book on one disc? Who better then than Mr Spock to show off this advanced technology? With clips from Ridley Scott's Blade Runner playing on the screen behind him, Nimoy shows off the power of the machine.

He calls it a Time Machine, with the ad set in an observatory. The telescope behind him allows him to discuss stars that are billions of years old while the new Time Warner computer allows him and the audience to look into the future of technology. It may seem a bit quaint now, yet the ad is delivered with such good-natured tribute to science, with the most famous scientist this side of Doc Brown to guide the way.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick