10 Weirdest Moments In Game Of Thrones

8. Selyse Baratheon's Introduction

Selyse Baratheon

Looking back, Stannis Baratheon's storyline had some really strange moments, the introduction of his wife Selyse in season 3 was one such moment. Selyse was a crazed fanatic of The Lord of Light and presented herself as such when he came to visit her.

She praised her god and immediately forgave his admittance of infidelity as she announces that she already knew about it and wept with joy. It's a weird scene up to this point but then it turns more disturbing as it is revealed that Selyse keeps her stillborn sons in jars in her room.

The moment perfectly captures the kind of unhinged mentality that Selyse possesses, and Stannis' face of discomfort and disgust gives you all you need to know about their relationship. The moment is actually pretty harrowing and seeing a broken woman pine over her dead children preserved in green tanks is a particularly macabre introduction to Selyse.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.