10 Weirdest Moments In Game Of Thrones

6. White Walker Takes Craster's Baby

Selyse Baratheon

The White Walkers are, by design, one of the more ambiguous elements of the show. The less we know about them, the more intimidating and imposing they are. For the most part this worked (unless you REALLY wanted to know why they love their spiral patterns so much) and little was explored into their way of life and their culture. The one exception was season four when we saw a White Walker take a male baby from Craster's Keep.

Travelling for an unspecified amount of time into a frosty wasteland, the White Walker lays the baby at an altar. In his first appearance on the show, The Night King approaches and presses his finger to the baby's cheek which turns his eyes to a crystal blue.

Assumedly, he is now a White Walker. Assumedly being the key word as this kind of thing is never re-visited on the show again. At the time it was a huge deal, this was off-book and a crazy way to introduce the leader of the undead as well as how the White Walkers are even made. Even now, this scene is often discussed with answers not forthcoming. Looks like they'll continue to remain ambiguous for the foreseeable future.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.