10 Weirdest Moments In Game Of Thrones

5. Arya Is Punished In The Hall Of Faces

Selyse Baratheon

Arya's training with the Faceless Men in Braavos was one of the more stranger storylines on Game of Thrones. That strangeness peaked in the season five finale when Arya was punished by her masters for disobeying their commands.

Tasked with killing a fraudster, Arya is distracted when she notices Meryn Trant arrive in the city. A man from her kill list, Arya abandons her target and brutally murders Trant instead, in one of the show's most violent scenes. Upon returning the House of Black and White, Jaqen H'ghar and the Waif are waiting for her.

Things go crazy from there, Jaqen says she must be punished and threatens to poison her before drinking the poison himself. Arya cries for her friend but then is shocked to see that the Waif standing behind her now has Jaqen's face. She looks at the dead Jaqen and begins taking his face off, then another face, and another face. Until, she finds her own face on Jaqen's body. To make things more confusing... Arya then goes blind!

It's a bizarre sequence of events and is never really explained in detail as to what was happening which certainly makes it one of the show's weirdest scenes.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.