10 Weirdest Moments In Game Of Thrones

4. Melisandre's True Form Is Revealed

Selyse Baratheon

This moment is not just weird in itself, it's weird for how it re-contextualises previous scenes. After failing to secure Stannis a victory and having a slight crisis of faith, Melisandre removes her magical necklace to reveal to us that she is in fact several hundreds of years old.

Melisandre, who had sex with Stannis and had quasi-sexual encounters with Gendry and Jon Snow, was now an old decrepit hag whose beauty and youth was merely manufactured by a necklace.

It was greatly implied that Melisandre was far older than she appeared throughout the series so although this information wasn't exactly a shock, the visual contrast remained jarring. It also adds to the weirdness when you picture Melisandre giving birth without that necklace around her neck!


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.