10 Weirdest Moments In Game Of Thrones

2. Melisandre Gives Birth

Selyse Baratheon

Visually speaking, this is perhaps the weirdest moment the show has ever produced. After introducing Stannis Baratheon and his cast of characters at the beginning of season two, we also get to meet the mysterious red priestess Melisandre who might be the cause of the most varied amount of strange moments on the show.

After promising Stannis a 'son', Melisandre sleeps with the claimant to the Iron Throne and we are all left to assume a baby boy will be born. Fast forward a couple of episodes and Melisandre is smuggled into a cave by Davos Seaworth. She disrobes and reveals that she is incredibly pregnant before laying down and giving birth to a shadow!

A shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon that climbs out of her womb and goes off to kill Stannis' brother Renly. It is the most overt use of magic in the show up to this point and it is a jaw-dropping moment that stuns Ser Davos and the audience alike.

If we doubted Melisandre's power or capabilities, those doubts ceased at this moment and it remains the defining moment of season two that wasn't the Battle of Blackwater Bay.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.