10 Worst Breaking Bad Episodes

8. Bit By A Dead Bee

Breaking Bad

The third episode in Breaking Bad's second season, Bit by a Dead Bee was written by Peter Gould, directed by Terry McDonough, and follows Jesse and Walt immediately after escaping Tuco in the desert.

In an attempt to explain his absence for such a long period of time, Bit by a Dead Bee features one of the most iconic scenes in the show's second season with Walt stripping down to his morning glory and wandering around a local supermarket, convincing his family that his treatment had triggered a fugue state.

The episode also delivers another infamous moment when the DEA ask Hector Salamanca to identify Jesse as being with his nephew, only for him to make a mess of himself rather than help out the agents.

Whilst the two moments are certainly iconic with fans of the show, Bit by a Dead Bee does suffer from long periods of padding and characters going round in circles, with not a lot of development to speak of - something that Breaking Bad is normally right on the money with.

It speaks volumes about the quality of a show when an episode with such standing gets put into a list of the top ten worst list, but Bit by a Dead Bee doesn't quite hit the same heights for quite as long as others in Breaking Bad's library.


Horror fan, gamer, all round subpar content creator. Strongly believes that Toad is the real hero of the Mario universe, and that we've probably had enough Batman origin stories.