10 Worst Dexter Episodes

2. Monkey In A Box

Dexter Monkey In A Box

A storm's blowing in and it's going to destroy everything. Not the storm within the show that is, the creative storm that killed its high quality and entertainment value.

Dexter finds himself in a situation nearly all of us can relate to: kill the brain-maiming serial killer who whacked your surprise new maternal figure or flee to Argentina with your infant son and murderous, fugitive girlfriend.

It's a tough one.

After scrubbing Dr Vogel's death crime scene of any evidence related to him (bar all the fingerprints from him not wearing gloves for it...) Dexter has a nice scene with Deb. As good as the acting from Carpenter and Hall is for this re-establishment of their friendship is, it also serves as a sad reminder of how off the rails their dynamic went in later seasons.

In an on the nose, symbolic nod to the show's impending end, Dexter starts selling his stuff, namely his apartment since his boat is required for the finale's infamous ending.

Dexter's ongoing feud with The Brain Surgeon continues to be the weakest of his many rivalries over the years here. Lacking in any real menace or logic, Daniel (or Oliver?) is a hammily acted bad guy further hampered by weak plotting (seriously, who would consider threatening Dexter's family a good call?).

Beyond an intriguing moment with Tom Matthews that some consider proof he knew the truth about Dexter all along, this penultimate episode was a new low for the show. Sadly, it's not the last low either...


John Cunningham hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.