10 Worst Doctor Who Episodes According To YOU

7. Kill The Moon

Doctor Who Kill the Moon Peter Capaldi Twelfth Doctor

Kill the Moon gets more flak than it deserves. Having said that, the episode’s critics do have something of a point.

Let’s deal with the glaring, spherical elephant in the room first. Doctor Who has been known to go way past suspension of disbelief on many occasions, but Kill the Moon takes a running leap and plants its feet firmly in a sandpit of absolute nonsense.

The Moon is an egg, which hatches a mega-dragon and doesn’t immediately cause some pretty serious gravitational issues, only for that newborn dragon to lay a new moon instantly, with that new moon being four times the size of the creature that laid it? And the writers room just expected us to sit back and say ‘Yeah, that tracks’? Get out of town!

You’ve also got the teensy issue of the first half being an utter snooze-fest, with a supporting cast that we assume might've done some stuff, but honestly have little memory of.

Those last ten minutes though? Fantastic, cathartic, and a real sobering moment for a character that needed some serious humbling – Series 8’s arc is so, so underrated. Regardless, readers of DWM still rated Kill the Moon as Capaldi's second-weakest story.

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Alex is a sci-fi and fantasy swot, and is a writer for WhoCulture. He is incapable of watching TV without reciting trivia, and sometimes, when his heart is in the right place, and the stars are too, he’s worth listening to.