10 Worst Doctor Who Episodes Of All Time
1. Orphan 55
It is so sad that this episode was so bad, because it couldn't have happened at a worse time for the show. With viewing figures plummeting and disdain over the unsubtle political messages of the show growing, an episode as horrible as this was the last thing the show-runners needed. It also managed to destroy any momentum that could have been built after the fantastic Spyfall double episode, clearly Whittaker and Chibnall's best work to date.
It is hard to know where to start with what resembles a plot, with mysterious 'dreg' creatures slaughtering some characters before we're introduced to any of them as they are vacationing in a mediocre resort. What follows is random people randomly jumping in and out of vehicles and tunnels while random close ups of the villainous dregs randomly appear.
There is plenty of unintentional humour here, most notably the truly horrific acting of Julia Foster as senior citizen Vilma, who keeps screaming for her "Benny" in a high pitched screech. The biggest moment of unintended hilarity appears at the episode's conclusion, when an earnest Whittaker speaks about the perils of non action against global warming, before the camera cuts to a dreg roaring loudly, apparently symbolising what will occur if we don't act. Comedy gold!!