10 Worst Doctor Who Performances Ever

1. Rick James (Cotton) - The Mutants

'Bungled', 'Uneven' and 'Convoluted' are just a few of the words used in major reviews of The Mutants episode, and Rick James could probably be held accountable for all of them on the merit of his performance alone. Every single scene that Cotton appears in is undermined by a man who looks like he had never taken an acting lesson in his life. His woodenness and apparent inability to deliver his lines with any degree of conviction make the episode feel more like a primary school nativity - minus the proud parent blinkers. Everything feels forced and contrived, and unfortunately, it felt like he was in A LOT of scenes. Congratulations Rick James, you have earned the title of worst ever performance on Doctor Who. Who has been judged too harshly and who hasn't been judged harshly enough and deserves a spot instead?

I have been described as a sportsman with the brain of an athlete and the body of a scientist. Since it was established that playing wouldn't work out for me I have taken to writing.