10 Worst Doctor Who Performances Ever

9. Noel Clarke (Mickey) - Boom Town

Okay, so there were a lot of performances to choose from for Mickey. Maybe it was the childlike nature of the character or maybe it was a lack of any real scripted relationship between Mickey and Rose, but the character was easily one of the worst consistently in the show's history. Pretty much all male companions have been woefully weak and soppy, often appearing as more of a straggler than companion. For Mickey this made him feel like a puppy sulking when its master is out of the room and then cloying for attention when she comes back. It's true that he does toughen up in the later series, having spent a significant amount of time in an alternate universe, but that still leaves plenty of performances where Noel Clarke unconvincingly played the poor puppy and failed to come across as believable at all. Possibly the worst of these performances can be found in Boom Town. Chemistry was an alien concept in this episode. At no point was it believable that the pair had ever had any kind of relationship, let alone intimacy, and the script seemed to be delivered more like an improv session than a tied together performance. Nothing he says is backed up with any real emotion and comes across as being unbelievable and insincere, leading you to like his character even less. At least the writers, and Noel, had the opportunity to redeem his character in later episodes. Unlike some.

I have been described as a sportsman with the brain of an athlete and the body of a scientist. Since it was established that playing wouldn't work out for me I have taken to writing.