10 Worst Doctor Who Prosthetics Ever

10. Vinvocci - The End Of time (2010)

Doctor Who Vinvocci

A fairly tame one to start off with, the Vinvocci had a rather minor role in the 10th Doctor’s final outing as they helped him to re-enter the Naismith mansion for the final confrontation between the Master and the Time Lords.

Mostly serving as comic relief, the Cacti species were harmless enough, although they did seem out of place in a story focused around the return of the Master and Gallifrey itself.

The major gripe I have comes when you look closely at the cap of the cactus and you can make out where it begins and the actual person’s head ends. By this point the series had more than enough budget to not be letting little issues like this crop up. In this case it’s a very minor problem and doesn’t have an effect on the episode itself, it is just disappointing to see in an otherwise glorious episode.

What might have exacerbated the issue is that during post-production showrunner at the time Russell T Davies decided to have the footage digitally recoloured so that the Vinvocci were entirely green as opposed to just the top of their heads.

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