10 Worst Episodes Of Community

8. Advanced Documentary Filmmaking

Shirley Abed Britta Annie Community

If you're a big Community fan, then you've probably got a lot to say about Ben Chang. This bombastic man - played by Ken Jeong - is one of the most inconsistent yet fun parts of the series. His dramatic fall from being a Spanish teacher, then rise as the school's dictator, then fall again led him through so many paths, but one of the most frustrating was the Changnesia arc. Sadly, this episode encompassed that most.

As the title implies, this one took documentary format as Abed was contracted to document a film about Chang's condition to secure the school a $40,000 grant. Naturally, Jeff thinks Chang is lying and jumps through hoops to prove it, while Troy and Annie run their own investigation.

At this point, it was clear that Chang was a little off the rails as a character. His writing felt far more impulsive than pre-planned, and that sums up this episode well. Things happen with little rhyme or reason, making the whole outing feel like a collection of events rather than a narrative.

Plus, the Changnesia angle was past the realm of believability, and it made this episode feel far too ludicrous, especially as the documentary format was supposed to imitate realism.

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Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!