10 Worst Friends Characters Who Appeared After Season 1

5. Amy Green

Friends Janine

Amy's brattish behaviour fully warrants her place on this list. But your scribe has to admit - we have a bit of a soft spot for her.

Before saying why, let's get the obvious out of the way. Yes, she insults everyone she meets, she thought it would be great if Ross and Rachel died so she could look after their baby, and she pierced the aforementioned baby's ears without asking for permission. And she did that because she thought Emma - who, again, was a baby - had an oversized schnoz.

But in Amy's mind all these actions come from a good place, however warped that may seem. Amy insults people so they know what to work on (usually their weight), she genuinely believed taking care of Emma on her own would be an inspirational story, and she pierced Emma's ears to "de-emphasize her flaws".

Amy is a vain, shallow, materialistic narcissist. But she's not, fundamentally, a bad person - just oblivious. To quote Rachel, "I kept trying to make you a better person, but you're already a pretty perfect version of what you are".

The real sister from Hell is our next entrant...

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Hello! My name's Iain Tayor. I write about video games, wrestling and comic books, and I apparently can't figure out how to set my profile picture correctly.