10 Worst Friends Characters Who Appeared After Season 1

3. Frank Buffay Jr.

Friends Janine

There's an episode of Futurama where Lurr (Ruler of Omicron Persei 8!) switches off an episode of Friends, lamenting it's a "Joey-heavy episode".

Replace "Joey" with "Frank Jr.", and you have our feelings in a nutshell.

Every time Phoebe's half-brother appeared on-screen felt like a reason to change channel. From his cringe-inducing introduction (where he openly drools over Monica and Rachel and propositions one of Phoebe's co-workers) to attempting to give away one of his children in his final appearance, Frank Jr. was routinely the worst part of every episode he appeared in.

Honestly, Frank just felt wrong every time he was on-screen. Whether he was a creepy teenager, marrying a woman 26 years his senior or becoming a way-too-immature parent, none of Frank's escapades felt funny - they were just sad. Unlike Phoebe, Frank wasn't charming or funny enough to cover his rough edges, and he was a massive mood-killer every time he showed up.

Frank was simply a bad fit in the Friends' universe, and given that he disappeared after his children were born in Season 5 (barring one last appearance in the final season), it's safe to say the writers shared this realisation.

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