10 Worst Friends Episodes
6. The One With The Invitation

This episode holds the distinct luxury of being the series' first clip show, and it's safe to say it hit the ground running for lacklustre, archive footage filled outings. Again, there is a bit of promise in the story itself, but even that falls flat and does very little to bring about anything new.
In this outing, Ross begins to send invitations for his wedding with Emily, all while looking back at his relationship with Rachel. As she receives an invitation, she also looks back and realises she still has feelings for Ross, deciding not to go to the wedding.
There is some decent conflict here, as Rachel's feeling for Ross getting in the way of celebrating his big day is emotional, but at the same time, it feels like more of the same. Using the clip show format to display their dynamic does little to move it forward and keeps the show hunkered down in the will they/won't they narrative.
That's not a bad thing in and of itself, as the romance between the two was a major selling point, but having the revelation of Rachel's feelings come in a clip show felt like a missed opportunity.