10 Worst Injuries Star Trek Characters Actually Survived

6. Uhura Has Her Mind Wiped

Patrick Stewart Star Trek

In the episode of the Original Series, The Changeling, Uhura falls victim to Nomad's mind wipe. This is unfortunately quite a literal description, as she has all of her memories and knowledge removed by the alien probe. Understandably, this is a devastating thing to have happen to an officer.

Some of the probe's effects on the Enterprise crew can be reversed. For example, when Scotty attempts to intervene with Nomad's assault on Uhura, he is killed. Moments later, he is revived. While the restoration of life is a quick affair, the restoration of a lifetime's worth of memories is either beyond its capabilities, or it is simply uninterested in helping.

Uhura is then forced to relearn everything she has ever known. Now, this being Star Trek, she has all of this knowledge back by the very next week, but let us assume that there was quite a gap of time between these two episodes. Uhura may be incredibly intelligent, but it does take time to learn all of the things necessary to sit at comms on a Starship.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick