10 Worst Injuries Star Trek Characters Actually Survived

5. Nog Loses A Leg

Patrick Stewart Star Trek

Ensign Nog experienced his fair share of combat while piloting the USS Defiant during the Dominion War. However, despite the very real danger that this posed to the young Ferengi's life, it was at least, in its own way, slightly more removed from the ground combat that he experienced during the Siege of AR-558. Here, Nog would sustain the worst injury of his career.

While scouting a Jem'hadar base, his position is discovered and he is shot in the leg by a Jem'hadar soldier. The audience was already aware of the fact that Jem'hadar weapons were fitted with anti-coagulants, effectively making every effort to ensure that once shot, a victim would bleed to death.

However, for Nog there was a way to save his life, though it came at the cost of his leg. Dr. Bashir' removed it above the knee, much to the horror of his uncle Quark. As the elder Ferengi pointed out to Captain Sisko, this was the horrible cost of the mission that Nog had been ordered on. The psychological damage endured, leaving the young ensign with severe PTSD. It took the help of Vic Fontaine to help him begin to understand his pain, aiding him in his return to reality.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick