10 Worst Injuries Star Trek Characters Actually Survived

4. Kirk Is Blown Out Into Space

Patrick Stewart Star Trek

Star Trek: Generations may best be remembered for being the film in which Captain Kirk is killed, but he actually faces quite the trauma at the beginning of the film, one that the man survives, thanks to the Nexus itself. While aboard the Enterprise-B, Kirk is in deflector control when the bulkhead in front of him is torn away.

The ship was caught in the trailing edge of the Nexus energy ribbon and, when Kirk activates the deflector to help them escape, a rogue tendril of energy catches the very section of the ship that he is in. It tears an enormous hole in the side of the vessel, one that is quickly sealed by emergency forcefields. However, these barriers don't come into effect quickly enough.

Kirk is blown out into space along with all of the atmosphere that was on Deck 15, section 21-A. Normally, this would be an immediate death sentence for any human being. However, by a sheer stroke of luck, depending on how one looks at it, he is absorbed into the Nexus itself. There, time has no meaning, so he finds himself standing outside of a log cabin, chopping wood, just as another captain of the USS Enterprise approaches...


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick