10 Worst Star Trek Time Travel Episodes

5. Accession - Deep Space Nine

star trek zero consequences

Benjamin Sisko was, at first, reluctant to accept his role as The Emissary in the Bajoran religion, so when an ancient Bajoran poet who disappeared 200 years ago emerged from the wormhole and declared himself the Emissary, Sisko didn't interfere at first.

The visitor from the past, Akorem Laan, started to enact a bunch of outdated and discriminatory laws for the Bajoran people, which eventually made Sisko decide to challenge him for the title of Emissary by flying into the wormhole and consulting with the Prophets. It turned out that the Prophets orchestrated this whole thing by sending Akorem to the future simply to prove to the Bajoran people that Sisko was the Emissary.

Accession was cool because it showed off the non-linear way that the Prophets think, but most Bajorans were already convinced that Sisko was the Emissary by this point, so the Prophets were pretty much just solving a problem that they created.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.