10 Worst Star Trek Time Travel Episodes

4. Shattered - Voyager

star trek zero consequences

Shattered gave us one of the most ridiculous temporal anomalies we've ever seen in Trek, one that shifted different parts of Voyager into separate time periods that only Chakotay was able to pass through. The plot revolved around Chakotay trying to gain the trust of the past version of Captain Janeway, while avoiding the Kazon, the Borg, the macrovirus, and plenty more of the most iconic villains from the series.

It's possible for something to be a lot of fun, but still lazy, which is definitely the case with this episode. It was really cool to revisit some of the classic episodes from the past (especially since Shattered came midway through the seventh season, right when Voyager was wrapping up), but the script is beyond far-fetched.

Not only was the ship split into all these different time periods inexplicably, but they also just happened to be during some of the most pivotal moments of the series. On the bridge it was the pilot episode Caretaker, in engineering it was during the Kazon takeover of the ship from Basics, in the holodeck it was during the war between the holograms and the photonic lifeforms from Bride Of Chaotica!, and in Cargo Bay 2 it was midway through Scorpion, after the Borg boarded the ship.

Despite it being far more likely that each random time period would be just a normal, peaceful day, they all just happened to be the craziest, most eventful moments in the series, clearly just so they could get the nostalgia points.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.