10 Worst Things Krusty The Clown Has Ever Done

5. He Became One Of The World's Biggest Tax Cheats & Faked His Own Death...Twice

The Simpsons Krusty

Episode: "Bart the Fink" (Season 7, Episode 15)

In Bart's attempt to obtain Krusty's signature, he accidentally alerts the bank to the fact that Krusty uses a holding company to conceal his true earnings in the Cayman Islands, revealing him to be one of the biggest tax cheats in history.

As his assets are requisitioned by the IRS and his earning potential is limited by budget cuts to the The Krusty the Clown Show, he decides to do the only logical thing - fake his own death by appearing to crash his private plane.

Despite no remains being discovered, Krusty is declared dead...until Bart discovers that he's hiding out at the docks on a boat under the assumed name Rory B. Bellows.

Bart and Lisa convince him to return to his former life, which is hilariously facilitated by Krusty faking Bellows' death by blowing up his boat and collecting the life insurance.

In classic Simpsons style, a huge problem was introduced and dealt with as though it never happened within the span of 22 snappy minutes. But fans haven't forgotten.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.