10 Worst Things Sterling Archer Has Ever Done

7. Dropping Barry Off A Building... Twice

Sterling Archer

Even before becoming the psychotically insane "bionic do*chebag", Barry Dylan wasn't exactly the nicest guy around. He was arrogant, annoying, self-centred, and talked to (but never with) his gun and over the years Archer has done some really brutal stuff to him. But, arguably the worst and most brutal thing Archer has ever done to Barry, is drop him not once, but twice of high-rise buildings.

The whole reason this is so brutal is because these were the two times Barry didn't actually deserve what he got. We don't know much about the first time it happened, but what is clear, is that the only reason Barry falls is because Archer straight up refuses to help. He refuses, in classic Archer fashion, simply because Barry is hanging onto and ripping his bespoke Savile Row suit jacket, which arguably isn't a justifiable reason to drop someone from so high up that they shatter their femur.

The second time it happens is even worse because it's when Barry goes to Russia to rescue Archer from the bowels of the dreaded Lubyanka. Admittedly he does it for money and the chance to sleep with Lana. But he does still risk his life to save Archer’s and is rewarded, once again with being dropped off a building. It's actually this incident that see's Barry become the ‘Six-Million-Dollar Psycho’. So really, this is terrible action both at the time and for long after, as Barry is a regular steel thorn in the gang's side.

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