10 Worst TV Performances Of 2017

7. Justin Cornwell - Training Day

Training Day Bill Paxton

CBS' lame-brained attempt to turn the Oscar-winning Denzel Washington-starring film Training Day into a sanitised network TV show was always going to fail, even with a fittingly sardonic Bill Paxton (who died before the season finished airing) keeping things just barely watchable.

Paxton's straight-laced partner is played by Justin Cornwell in his first major acting role, and unfortunately, it shows. Though Cornwell certainly looks the part, he's fatally lacking the necessary grit to hang with an actor of Paxton's caliber.

Admittedly, a big part of the problem here is the script, which knows that Paxton's the attraction and dials Cornwell's role down numerous times throughout the series. However, the on-the-rise actor also never makes the character remotely interesting or involving emotionally, and he has to shoulder a good portion of the blame.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.