10 Worst TV Performances Of 2017

3. Finn Jones - Iron Fist

Iron Fist Danny Rand Finn Jones

To be totally fair to Finn Jones, he didn't stand much of a chance here, with Iron Fist being as slow, boring and technically slapdash as it was. It's a show where a guy called Iron Fist barely gets to punch anyone, and far too much time is devoted to tedious business subplots rather than neat world-building and cool action.

Jones never manages to make Danny Rand anything more than a dull rich white guy who occasionally hits someone with his glowing fist. He's effortlessly outshone by Jessica Henwick's Colleen Wing at every turn, though that's in large part because her character is just so much more interesting.

While Jones did fare a little better in this summer's The Defenders, where he became the rightful butt of all the jokes and took a more subdued role, he still fails to truly embody the soul of a character comic book fans have been desperate to see on-screen for many years.

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Iron Fist
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.