10 Worst Uses Of CGI In Anime History

1. Ex-Arm

berserk anime
Visual Flight

But at least Berserk's animation isn't so bad that the f$%king FRAME RATE drops. Ex-Arm on the other hand...

When Ex-Arm was first announced, its trailer became the source of near universal (and well deserved) mockery for its final image being a declaration of war (its words, not mine) against all sci-fi and fantasy series around the world. An image that was preceded by some of the worst CGI anyone had ever seen in an anime.

Ex-Arm makes mistakes in CG animation that haven't been made in literal decades. Every character's face is stuck in a default half-smile expression, their eyes locked into a thousand yard stare.

There is so little animation on the faces that they had to put a lens flare over a kissing scene just to keep some illusion of natural movement that would have been undone by the sight of two CG faces clipping into each other.

Anyone who isn't a main character is animated with some of the most awkward, stuttering 2D animation you'll ever see in your life, just in case you foolishly thought there would be ANY reprieve from this horror.

Ex-Arm's CGI is terrible in a way we just don't make anymore. Berserk 2016 looks like Land of the Lustrous compared to this. What else could possibly be at the top of this list? It could only be the masterpiece of garbage that is Ex-Arm.

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Dragon Ball
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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?