10 Worst Uses Of CGI In Anime History
4. Urda: The Third Reich
You know the top three of a list is a treat when what is widely considered one of the worst anime films of all time and some of the worst CGI ever put to screen doesn't even crack it.
2004, the same time that the Lord Of The Rings films were in theatres, this atrocity was put to the big screen and making everyone wonder why they even bother with CGI in the first place.
Now, granted, the shoddy animation is hardly the worst thing about this movie, but boy is it up there.
This film, about fighting time traveling Nazis and yet is somehow so soul crushingly dull you'll want to claw your own brain out with a spoon, features animation mistakes that hadn't been made with CGI since the late 80s.
Hair could not look more fake if they tried, stiff face and body animation, characters who behave like they operate on different planes of reality than everyone else, and so much else that just leaves your jaw slack in horrified awe at just how wrong this movie gets every step of its animation.