10 Worst Uses Of CGI In Anime History
3. Handshakers

The only reason this atrocity isn't higher is that the rest of the animation is so oppressively terrible that you almost miss the terrible CGI when it DOES show up, but I couldn't let this list go by without giving GoHands' awful creation a good thrashing.
Handshakers is one of those anime that only comes around once in a blue moon. Rarely do you get a production that gets this much wrong on this level. The fact that this and our final entry came out so close to each other is an oddity in the anime industry, but we'll get to that when we get to that.
As for Handshakers, this show is a product of a team of otherwise skilled veteran animators throwing themselves at technology they just barely understand to bring to life one of the most shoddily built stories this author has ever experienced.
The 2D animation is bad enough, but the CGI stands out even among that, with textures so flat they'd be an insult to any primitive game console I could compare it to.
The CGI animation used for the characters' weapons - I'll grant you - is MEANT to make them look slightly unnatural and otherworldly, but that excuse can only go so far when it doesn't even look like the characters are holding anything because there is just that little merging between the two animation styles.