100 Greatest Doctor Who Moments Ever

30. Remembrance of the Daleks €“ Stairs

d7-7h-c191 A lot of people incorrectly think that the first time the Daleks conquered stairs was in 2005. When in reality they€™d managed it about 17 years earlier. In the Seventh Doctor€™s era, just when the Daleks could have become boring and tired, and just when the Doctor and a generation of kids believed the stairs were safe, they conquered their nemesis. Wherever you go, the Daleks are coming to get you and they aren€™t going to let a silly little thing like stairs stop them. At least when the Daleks couldn€™t climb stairs there was something you could laugh at about the Daleks. This scene basically says, joke€™s over.

29. The Pandorica Opens - Words Win Wars

d11-10x-017 This scene, so named because of the accompanying music on the Doctor Who Series 5 Soundtrack' is another punch the air moment and makes you proud to be a Doctor Who fan. It€™s also a good reason for why Matt Smith should be on stage at Glastonbury€ and he later was. What other show on television ever could have a sky full of spaceships containing all the baddest creatures the Doctor has ever faced, descending to take the Pandorica, a prison for the most evil being in the history of the universe and then have the lead character verbally slap them into going back home rather than blowing them up. None. Matt Smith commands attention in this scene and looks magnificent as the camera pulls away from Stonehenge and back through the fleet of ships as the Doctor tells them to stand still and listen. It takes some awesomeness to do that. Just telling them all to remember all the times he€™s defeated them is enough to drive them away, thinking actually, nah, it€™s not worth it.

28. The Five Doctors - Cyber Massacre

d5-6k-225 'The Five Doctors' certainly contains a few oddities. One of the featured enemies is the Raston Warrior Robot, one which has never been seen or heard of before. What€™s more, the Third Doctor is more or less matched up against the Cybermen for most of the story, despite never having met them before this point. These aren€™t complaints, they€™re observations. Because not only is it great to see the Third Doctor and Cybermen together at last, but also the Raston Warrior Robot is fantastic. The Third Doctor and Sarah are pinned down and can€™t move in case the robot sees them. Ironically their saviours are the Cybermen who provide something of a spectacular distraction. The Raston Warrior Robot mows them down with ease as the BBC blow (literally) the entire visual effects budget in one go. Cybermen are blown up, decapitated and butchered all over the place. It€™s not only one of the best action scenes in the classic series, it€™s one of the best in Doctor Who as a whole.

27. The Last of the Time Lords - The Master€™s Death

d10-9q-c503 Since 2005 it has been pretty much hammered into us that the Doctor is the last of the Time Lords. There are no more. So imagine the surprise when another pops up. The Master wouldn€™t be the Doctor€™s first choice of survivors, but still, beggars can€™t be choosers. Aside from the TARDIS, the Master is the last bit of home he has left, certainly the last person that gets the Doctor or can truly understand what it means to be a Time Lord. Even if he has just decimated the human race and stood as overlord of the planet, the Doctor has to forgive him. However when the Master€™s wife shoots him, he falls into the Doctor€™s arms and refuses to regenerate just to spite the Doctor and leave him alone. It€™s probably the cruellest thing the Master has ever done. The Doctor€™s sadness is painful to watch as he rages against the death of his former friend and is left alone once more.

26. The End of Time Part 2 €“ The Four Knocks

d10-10l-352 The end of David Tennant€™s era was always going to be a sad one and it would be tough to say goodbye to the Tenth Doctor. But never have we seen the Doctor himself get so emotional about it. In the episodes leading up to it, he€™s certainly had a turbulent time, with prophecies destined to be fulfilled. Just when he thinks he€™s won and proven it all wrong, The Doctor hears the four knocks that are a sign of his impending death, and the last person he expected to cause them was Wilfred Mott, who has unwittingly given his life to save a man locked in a radiation chamber. The Doctor rages that it€™s not fair, justifiably so. He hurls papers across the room, and lets it all out. Wilfred reluctantly tells the Doctor to leave him. But the Doctor instead refuses, surrendering his fate and trading places with Wilf. Heartbreaking is an understatement.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.