100 Greatest Doctor Who Moments Ever

25. The Hand of Fear - Sarah Jane Smith€™s Goodbye

d4-4n-c648 This is the real heartbreaker of departures in Doctor Who. No fanfare, no drama, just what started out as a joke becomes suddenly serious and it separates the Doctor and one of his best friends. The most remarkable thing about this scene is that Tom Baker and Elisabeth Sladen wrote it due to being unhappy with the original. And they got it exactly right for the characters. While the Doctor tinkers with his motor, Sarah tries to wind him up about missing the comforts of home. The Doctor of course pays no attention when she threatens to pack up and go home. This was something of a long running joke between the two about loosely trying to get home and being talked out of it, going as far back as €˜Invasion of the Dinosaurs€™. This time she snaps and goes off to her room. In the meantime, the Doctor gets a message from Gallifrey where humans aren€™t allowed. When Sarah returns bags packed he€™s amazed she€™s ready having just found out himself. At which point Sarah herself realises that despite having packed her bags, she could never leave the TARDIS willingly and is almightily disappointed when the TARDIS supposedly lands at her home and I don€™t think either of the two characters fully understands the immense change that awaits them putting on something of a brave face. It is excellently underplayed, the way the Doctor shrugs it off and Sarah looks back as the TARDIS casually goes on its way. At the time this was the end of Sarah Jane€™s story, but we all know now what happened next.

24. Remembrance of the Daleks €“ Skaro

d7-7h-c664 Russell T Davies said himself that 'Genesis of the Daleks' was the beginning of the Time War, something I dispute. If you want to know what the first big play of the Time War was, take a look at the climax of 'Remembrance of the Daleks'. We have the Seventh Doctor at his most manipulative allowing the Daleks to steal the Time Lord€™s remote stellar manipulator, the Hand of Omega and begs them not to use it. Textbook reverse psychology as Davros gives the order to activate the Hand of Omega to turn Skaro€™s sun into a black hole to make themselves Lords of Time. However the plan backfires, the sun goes supernova and vaporises Skaro before returning to the Dalek ship and destroying it. It turns out this was the Doctor€™s plan all along. It€™s a dark moment on reflection. The Time War has started in spectacular fashion. It€™s too bad that there wasn€™t a follow up story to deal with the aftermath.

23. Day of the Moon - Doctor vs Silence

d11-11c-c617 The Silence are undoubtedly a remarkable creation and seemingly undefeatable when you consider they can€™t be remembered. So as you can imagine the Doctor€™s ultimate solution, to let the Silence order their own execution during the moon landing, something the entire human race will see at some point in their lives. It is a great and clever victory for the Doctor, but then he has to deal with the angry, angry Silence he€™s talking to. River Song sets the example shooting up the Silence as they start shooting their static bolts all over the place, the Doctor firing off sonic bolts in quite possibly one of the best action sequences in Doctor Who, worthy of being in a blockbuster movie. The dialogue or should I say flirting between the Doctor and River is also excellent.

22. Logopolis -The Master Kills the Doctor

d4-5v-153 It€™s surprising it€™s not talked about more, and it almost sounds like one of those urban myths that the Master once killed the Doctor. It€™s constructed in such a way in that it doesn€™t appear direct so that the re-introduced Master couldn€™t become a hate figure, because that€™s not his place in the Doctor Who universe. The Doctor has never really had a death that€™s directly linked to an enemy aside from this and arguably the Sixth Doctor€™s regeneration. It€™s also probably why the TV Movie regeneration feels so underwhelming. However this is the closest we have to the Doctor being murdered. The Master broadcasts a message holding the universe to ransome, with the power to close the last remaining CVE stabilising the universe at his finger tips if the peoples of the universe refuse to submit. The ever insane Master feels victorious, but the Doctor makes a valiant effort to disconnect the cable to stop the radio telescope transmitting. The Master instead decides to rotate the radio telescope with the Doctor clinging for dear life on the end of a cable, at which point past adversaries haunt him as his grip weakens. The Doctor inevitably hits the ground, triggering the regeneration of the longest serving Doctor. The flashback sequences allow both feelings of nostalgia as well as reflection on the long life this Doctor has served as well as offering a salute to the most fondly remembered Doctor.

21. Asylum of the Daleks - Oswin the Dalek

d11-11q-c645 This one I€™m sure is still fresh in many people€™s minds. Firstly it was jaw dropping enough that the Doctor€™s new companion was being unveiled so early on and the fact it was a kept a secret so well. But then the twist in the tale was so simple, yet so warped and quite disgusting. When the Doctor risks his life to save the girl that€™s been watching over him all through the Asylum. Behind the final door, rather than the cheeky Oswin Oswald, he finds a Dalek. Chained up and with a love of soufflés, the converted Oswin has to face the truth, that she has been converted into a Dalek. It€™s a double layered revelation that despite being simple, is too horrible to even consider. But when it had to be done, it was done brilliantly here. It might be a good time to consider moment 58 from 'Revelation of the Daleks' when you rewatch this scene. Becoming a Dalek is a fate worse than death.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.