100 Greatest Doctor Who Moments Ever

20. Bad Wolf €“ The Cliffhanger

d9-8m-c234 Despite the Daleks having made a return in €˜Dalek€™ it could have been the final chapter for them. As it turns out, it was only the beginning. €˜Bad Wolf€™ is the most un-Dalek-like story imaginable, with the TARDIS crew deposited in deadly game shows. So imagine the surprise when Rose Tyler, seemingly executed finds herself aboard a spaceship with a familiar humming in the background and coming face to face with a Dalek. Having been detected by the Doctor aboard Satellite 5, the Daleks address their enemy directly ordering him not to interfere or Rose Tyler will be exterminated. To which the Doctor says simply €˜No€™. To which the Daleks consider an act of war. Then comes the moment that Doctor Who fans have imagined for years. Masses and masses of Daleks all crying €˜Exterminate€™ in a glorious wide shot. You could hear jaws hit the floor all over the country.

19. The Daleks €“ The Plunger

d1-1b-c030 This moment turned Doctor Who into a talking point across the country. The Doctor€™s team has been split up as they investigate the city on Skaro and his companion Barbara is forced deeper and deeper into the city. All of a sudden all the doors around her close and she is isolated in one corridor. At the opposite end is, well, from the point of view of whatever it is, is a sink plunger getting closer and closer to Barbara as she lets out an almighty scream. People were asking throughout the following week, what is it? Of course it turns out that it was a Dalek. But it is a brilliant cliffhanger and really is quite terrifying, not least due to the reaction of Jacqueline Hill. Making a sink plunger an object of terror is a work of genius.

18. Genesis of the Daleks €“ Do I Have the Right?

d4-4e-030 We€™re on something of a Dalek role here, undoubtedly why they are one of the Doctor€™s most popular enemies. However if this scene wasn€™t included in a run down of greatest moments, it would be criminal. 'Genesis of the Daleks' presents the Doctor with one of his greatest moral dilemmas. He is on a mission for the Time Lords who have asked him to either avert their creation or affect their development. The Doctor is left with one option, genocide. You€™d think that because it was the Daleks, he wouldn€™t have a second thought, but everything the Doctor says in this scene is 100% true. Does he have the right to avert the creation of a species? Also how does committing genocide make him any better than the Daleks? There has to be another way.

17. The Tomb of the Cybermen - Cybermen Resurrected

d2-2m-015 The Cybermen reached their peak in the Second Doctors era with 4 adventures and one other leading into his introduction. Although only one of these stories is complete from start to finish, 'The Tomb of the Cybermen' is dripping with atmosphere and shows the Cybermen with their humble beginnings, which could well have been their end. With dwindling resources the Cybermen have taken the dramatic move of preservation, freezing themselves until they were reawakened by those intelligent to do so. Presumably by dwindling resources they meant high intellects to convert. Either that or the cost of scrap metal shot up. The tomb is essentially a trap, believing the Cybermen are long since dead, rather foolishly, they turn off the refrigeration and they Cybermen begin stirring in their freezing units and breaking out. Before you know it, they tombs are emptying and the Cybermen start climbing down to claim their fresh meat. Human foolishness has unleashed the Cyber menace once more. Needless to day it doesn€™t end well. It€™s a remarkable scene, certainly for 60s Doctor Who because the scale is incredible and it€™s an brilliantly dramatic scene.

16. The Sound of Drums €“ Gallifrey

d10-9p-c311 We saw Gallifrey several times throughout the 70s and 80s with ever diminishing grandness. So it was quite a disappointment the see that Gallifrey was dead and buried in the revived series, for we would seemingly be deprived of a quality portrayal of the world of the Time Lords. That was until a rather unexpected flashback sequence in €˜The Sound of Drums€™, which showed the Time Lords with a bit more money to play with. We get to see the red grass and the snow covered mountains that the Doctor€™s granddaughter Susan talked of in 'The Sensorites', as well as their citadel encased in a glass dome against the burnt orange sky. But more than that, we get to see a previously untouched part of Time Lord society, the Children and their initiation, most notably the Master€™s childhood. It is a beautiful sequence and reminds us how much of a pity it is that this beautiful and noble planet is gone. 'The End of Time' would go some way to shatter this noble portrayal of the Time Lords.
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.