100 Greatest Doctor Who Moments Ever

85. The Ambassadors of Death €“ Cut it Open!

d3-3c-c286 This in another great cliffhanger moment and definitely one of the best. It€™s unusual because there is no immediate danger, it€™s simply realisation. The capsule Recovery 7 has been returned to the control centre, presumably with the astronauts inside, but the door will not open. When trying to establish contact inside the capsule, the only response they receive is a request from the astronaut to be cleared for re-entry. 30 years before, €˜Are you my mummy?€™ this was a tense moment, as the Doctor asks the Astronaut to answer his questions. As he goes on it€™s clear something is very wrong and the Doctor simply orders €˜Right, cut it open!€™. It€™s a marvellous moment.

84. Dalek€™s Invasion of Earth - Susan€™s Goodbye

d1-1k-007 This is the kind of moment you wouldn€™t expect to come from 1960s Doctor Who. Some might say that there is no such thing as emotion in Doctor Who back then. However, this is a unique relationship that is torn apart. The Doctor and Susan have always said how they intend to return to their own planet and how lonely they are. When Susan falls for a rebel during the Dalek invasion, her grandfather has to make a difficult choice. The way he does it is very delicate. He knows what he must do but can€™t face it. He enters to TARDIS to €˜fix her shoe€™ as he watches, Barbara gestures Ian to the TARDIS off screen and pretty much drags him away to leave Susan and lover David alone, where she confesses her love to him. The Doctor then makes his choice and locks the doors, saying his goodbyes over the scanner. Before he can change his mind, he takes off in the unpredictable TARDIS, knowing that in reality, he can never knowingly return, despite what he says.

83. The God Complex - Amy€™s Faith

d11-11m-004 When a Doctor Who writer is given the task of creating a story where the characters face rooms in a hotel, each room containing their greatest fears, it€™s harder than you might think. When your lead characters face terrifying things every week, how do you top that? The only way is to get under the character€™s skin and tell a deeply personal story and this episode nailed that. Rory sadly doesn€™t get a room and we don€™t get to see inside the Doctor€™s room, but Amy€™s is so absolutely correct. Her fear is losing her faith in the Doctor, personified by seeing her younger self as she was, that night she waited for the Doctor and she becomes that child as the Doctor does something he very rarely does. He is honest and he confesses that he is not perfect as much as he might try to appear to be and he apologises profoundly. This has never been displayed so intimately and he gives the regressed Amy therapy and closure and makes their journey together that bit more complete.

82. The Girl Who Waited - Rory€™s Choice

d11-11l-007 When you consider that it€™s only in the second half of Series 6 that Rory gets a story that puts him in the spotlight, it seems pretty criminal. But when it comes, you see just how good an actor Arthur Darvill is and how great the character Rory is. Add to that the stunning performance from Karen Gillan as both young and old Amy. It all comes to the climax when Rory has to choose which Amy to keep. Amy as he left her and erase the older Amy€™s existence or the older Amy, filled with bitterness. The older Amy cuts her way through the Handbots and is locked out of the TARDIS. There is a great shot where you can see both sides of the TARDIS doors as the older Amy begs Rory not to open the door, because she will come aboard. A terrible choice, but an excellent scene.

81. The Doctor€™s Wife - Hello TARDIS

d11-11e-009 The third moment in succession from the same series, this time the Doctor gets his heart broken. After hundreds of years space and time, the Doctor is given the opportunity to converse with the only constant in his life, the TARDIS. A sacred object and his only piece of home and he genuinely falls a little bit in love in a different way, because he discovers the only intelligence that understands him to the core. Then it€™s taken away and it€™ll never happen again. He has had one of his greatest adventures and it€™s over. The Doctor becomes a blubbering wreck and it€™s a uniquely intimate moment between the Doctor and his greatest travelling companion. But what is so nice about this scene is that rather than it being a goodbye, the TARDIS makes it more optimistic. She says €˜Hello€™ for the first time and reassures the Doctor she€™s alive!
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My name is Jon, recently graduated media production student. Always on the look out for chances to do what I enjoy and make it count. Writing, filming, animating, editing, radio. My speciality seems to be Doctor Who, years of accumulated knowledge and passion appear to be paying off creatively this being one outlet channel. So thanks for sharing in that with me and offering your support by reading my articles.