11 Celebrities Who Rejected The Simpsons

6. Tom Cruise

The episode: 'Brother From the Same Planet' The role: Tom Cruise as Big Brother Tom In "Brother From the Same Planet" Bart is introduced to his own big brother and surrogate father. Everything about the character was written to be cool: he was supposed to be a Navy pilot, motorcycle rider and the perfect mentor. He was also supposed to be Tom Cruise. But it wasn't to be as Cruise said no and Simpsons regular Phil Hartman did the voice instead. Coincidentally, Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman also turned down the same role that Bruce Willis and Demi Moore rejected in "When You Wish Upon a Star", making it two rejections from the Mission Impossible star.

I have been described as a sportsman with the brain of an athlete and the body of a scientist. Since it was established that playing wouldn't work out for me I have taken to writing.