11 Doctor Who Spin Offs That Really Should've Happened By Now

4. The Gallifrey Chronicles

WHY: For those not familiar with the Big Finish range of The Gallifrey Chronicles, it tells the tales of Romana III (now President), her bodyguard Leela and the CIA agent-In-training Ace McShane as they defend Gallifrey from political machinations, rouge Time Lords and the odd burgeoning Dalek Empire. It's a fascinating tale and, despite Big Finish not having the license to use the Last Great Time War, it plays perfectly well into the overall scheme of things, setting up events beautifully in the lead up to the war and the final destruction of Gallifrey. It has been discussed earlier that this should be animated - but what about Gallifrey as it stood during the Time War and after it? If ever the BBC had the time and money to embark upon this project, it could fill in the blanks for the detail-hungry fans and reveal how events came to be from the perspective of the Gallifreyans as opposed to the Doctor. A great companion series to Doctor Who, culminating in the final rescue of the planet by the man himself, would be a fantastic way to spend the long hiatus between seasons and find out the fates of characters unfamiliar to new fans. WHAT: There are many possible storylines for such a show to explore. How would the Gallifreyans react as their universe was locked away, as the Time Lords fought themselves to keep the peace and pray for the Doctor? What led the Time Lords to retrieve Rassilon from his Divergent Universe and overlook his mass genocide and what brought them to the point where they would allow destruction of time itself just in order to survive? How did Romana III get deposed from being Lady President and how did she deal with her conscience as corruption took hold of The High Council itself? How did Ace get back to Earth and how did Leela survive the destruction of Gallifrey yet end up dying in a jail cell? Whether this show could be animated or recast with new actors is certainly a matter for discussion but, storyline-wise, there are plenty of tales to tell of the War that ravaged across time and space and the Time Lords who fought in it. History is being rewritten and the viewers now have a chance to write it.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.