11 Doctor Who Spin Offs That Really Should've Happened By Now

5. Adventures In Pompeii

WHY: Granted, this might be little more than a pipe dream at this point, especially since the all-knowing Moffat seems to have his own plan as to how the Doctor finds Gallifrey, how the Master returned and how the Twelfth Doctor seems to have a face like a really nice guy in Pompeii and a murderous civil servant in England. As to the latter, if Moffat so much as mentions "spatial genetic multiplicity" with a wave of his hand, there will be another Time Crash involving a hammer. This story, based upon a Tumblr post which is itself based on a DeviantArt description, features the Return of Donna Noble, the Tenth Doctor,and the John Simm Master in Pompeii as a possible explanation as to why the Twelfth Doctor looks like a Roman citizen at least. This requires Catherine Tate, David Tennant and John Simm to return for a mini-series which may conflict with their busy schedules elsewhere (Tennant, in particular, recently being picked to play the villain on the Netflix series 'Jessica Jones'). If this actually comes to pass, though, it may serve as a way to pass the long, lonely hiatus months and keep Doctor Who fresh in everyone's mind. WHAT: From this post, this idea involves Donna Noble regaining her memories through some plausible plot device (thanks, Moffat) and becoming, once again, the DoctorDonna. While keeping the psychic backlash temporarily at bay she begins to travel the universe trying to find the Doctor for help and along the way she saves planets, galaxies, universes and so on. Just 'cause! Thinking that the Doctor dies at Lake Silencio, she decides to go back to the other fixed point in time to find the Tenth Doctor - her Doctor - in Pompeii. Meanwhile, the Twelfth Doctor finds out about Donna, pus the pieces together too late and follows her to Pompeii to help her. Once there, they discover that the whole thing was an engineered plot by the Master. Acting on the orders of Rassilon and managing to slip through the cracks between universes, he engineered the entire deception in order to interfere with the Doctor€™s personal history and the fixed point in time, wagering that exploding three TARDISes, killing the Doctor and Donna in their present and past incarnations and destroying the Earth would be enough to widen the cracks between the universes and bring Gallifrey home at last. Cue climatic battle for the fate of the world. This is certainly an idea worth a mini-series and if the BBC can get Catherine Tate, David Tennant, John Simm and Peter Capaldi on board, it can become reality. Now all fans need is to find some way to bring Karen Gillan into this to complete the circle and bring joy to every fanboys' hearts. Amen to that.
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An obsessed Doctor Who watcher, reader, listener, and occasionally writer. Consult for all your Big Finish and useless trivia needs.