11 Great Moments From The Eleventh Doctor's First Season

5. Trying To Be Ordinary In "The Lodger"

Doctor Who Vincent and the Doctor

Something is creating a time loop on Aickman Road, and it's prevent the TARDIS from landing. When Amy becomes trapped in a TARDIS that is constantly dematerialzing and rematerialzing, the Doctor must confront his biggest challenge yet to rescue her: pass himself off as an ordinary bloke.

Pretending to be human will buy him time to figure out what's creating the time loops, but without using the chameleon arch, passing himself off as a regular human is a much more difficult task.

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Paula Luther hails from Pennsylvania and has been an avid Whovian since 2008. She enjoys writing (obviously), reading, dancing, video editing, and building websites. She has also self-published two books on Amazon, "Bart the Bard" and "Android Mae and Other Stories".