11 Great TV Shows Starring The Cast Of The Big Bang Theory

1. Will Wheaton (Himself) - Star Trek: The Next Generation

The Flight Attendant
CBS Media Ventures

During Star Trek: The Next Generation's original run, Will Wheaton's character, Wesley Crusher, was seen as the worst character. Because everything on Starfleet was new to him, the young cadet served as the audience proxy, meaning he was the character that viewers were meant to identity with. Due to being a boy genius who solved problems way beyond his abilities, he was accused by Trekkies of being a Mary Sue.

Even though Wheaton was bullied maliciously by fans, hindsight has shown that viewers were too harsh on him. Some of Wesley's storylines were trite and badly written but that was never the fault of Wheaton himself. Performing against acting titans like Patrick Stewart is no easy task but Wheaton always manages to prove his worth, confirming he never deserved the relentless hate he received. Even though the show focused on Picard, Worf, Data, and Riker, Wesley had some defining storylines, most notably when he traversed beyond the realm of reality with The Traveller.

If you didn't like Wesley originally, give TNG another shot. Not only will you see Wheaton is phenomenal in the role, you'll appreciate him even more in The Big Bang Theory.


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