11 Iconic TV Shows That Should NEVER Be Revived

3. Sherlock

Sherlock Thumb

Sherlock is an anomaly on this list, because it's not officially over. The BBC and creators have confirmed that if it does come back it won't be for a long time, partly because Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman both became a little busy with another franchise.

You might have heard of it, it's called the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

While the success of the show means that the BBC will no doubt strive to revive it eventually, it's in their best interests not to.

Sherlock started off so well, with the first two seasons launching it to global success thanks to sharp writing and lovable characters, but a steep decline set in with the third, and it was all downhill from there.

By the time Season 4 rolled around, everyone was questioning if they even liked the series in the first place, with its writing becoming so convoluted and indulgent that the entire legacy of the brand was effected.

Its reputation is already marred, and bringing back Sherlock for another disappointing run might tarnish it completely.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3