11 Iconic TV Shows That Should NEVER Be Revived

10. Firefly

serenity firefly

When it comes to the pantheon of great shows that died too soon, Firefly is the one that everyone immediately jumps to. The sci-fi western only lasted a single year (even if it did manage to nab itself a big-budget movie afterwards), but quickly became a bona-fide cult classic, as word of mouth on internet forums caught everyone up on its genius after the fact.

Jump forward 17 years, and Joss Whedon's series remains firmly rooted in TV discourse, partly because of the projects it inspired following its demise, and partly because it still holds up as a bloody good set of episodes.

Consequently, with older properties being brought back with a similar cult standing (including Twin Peaks), and with Whedon himself proving himself in Hollywood as well as the small screen, everyone has assumed that at some point Firefly will be given another chance.

The thing is, at this point, with its legend growing so much in the years since its cancellation, it would have to be the best damn thing on TV to not be a disappointment. However, because Joss Whedon has gotten so big, it's unlikely he'd return to oversee the show, which makes you question if anyone else could do it justice.

Likewise, there's a good chance the cult fever surrounding the show wouldn't translate to a big audience for a revisit. It didn't happen for Twin Peaks and it didn't happen for Heroes - and to be honest with you, I can't take the pain of Firefly being cancelled again.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3