11 Iconic TV Shows That Should NEVER Be Revived

9. Freaks And Geeks

Freaks And Geeks

While it only lasted one season, the original run of Freaks and Geeks was fortunate enough to feel like a solid, self-contained project. There was, of course, scope for the teen drama to continue, and it certainly had the talent behind and in front of the camera to deliver more quality material, but it can still be enjoyed as a one-season experiment.

However, like most of the TV shows on this list, Freaks and Geeks has continued to thrive as the years have gone on. That's partly due to the cast - featuring the likes of Seth Rogen, James Franco and Linda Cardellini - who blew up after leaving the series, but also because it's so damn meme-able and relatable. As long as there's teenagers, Freaks and Geeks will continue to resonate.

That big strength is also the reason a revival wouldn't work, though. The magic came from it being a snapshot of late 90s teenagerdom, and catching up with the characters as adults - no matter how good it would be to see the cast back together - would take away the very thing that made the show so special.


Writer. Mumbler. Only person on the internet who liked Spider-Man 3