11 Major Things To Expect From Fortitude Season 2

2. More Twin Peaks Oddness?

Fortitude Yuri
Sky Atlantic

It's a nailed on certainty that Simon Donald will bring the weirdness back for season 2. The only question now is how far he will take it.

If he looks at the response to season one, he might see that the fanbase was split between those who expected a straight procedural whose supernatural elements would be explained in science, and those who wanted more weirdness. If he has to choose which side to cater to next year, it should be the latter.

There were some elements that don't quite fit with reality that could be developed into something even more tangibly weird. Notably there was mention that "the island wouldn't let that happen", suggesting that there is something of Lost about the place, and that could be a good thread to pull.

And then of course there are the questions of why the airport is so big for such a small town? Why different people react differently to infection. Why Dan and the governor wanted SO much to quash the story of the infection.

Just imagine Hildur gets her ice hotel and things start going all Kubrickian nightmare on the new hotelier. Or an X-Files investigating team turns up to dig up more secrets. Surely the fan fictioners out there can make those two happen, at the very least?

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