12 Actors Who Hated Their Own TV Characters

8. Johnny Depp - Tom Hanson (21 Jump Street)

21 Jump Street Johnny Depp

Though Johnny Depp will basically pimp himself out to any blockbuster franchise that'll have him these days, back in the beginnings of his career he had an intense discomfort with the idea of becoming a big-time star, which conflicted with him becoming an overnight teen heartthrob after 1987's 21 Jump Street debuted.

Depp quickly came to resent the role, and though he couldn't leave the show without violating his contractual obligations and foregoing a tidy sum of $45,000 per episode, he did attempt get himself fired through diva-like antics and even trashing his trailer.

Reflecting on the character of undercover cop Tom Hanson, Depp said, "I tried to be fired because I felt I was in a prison creatively. I was stuck in a box."

Depp was eventually allowed to quit the show after its fourth season, after which he starred in Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands and his bonafide movie career was born.

The actor at least had the good humour to make a brief cameo in the 2012 big-screen Jump Street reboot, hilariously reprising his role as Hanson.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.