12 Awesome TV Shows You Can Only Watch Once

3. The Wire

The Wire

The Wire is widely considered to be the greatest show of all time, rivalled only by the shenanigans of one Walter White. The show also received unanimous acclaim, save for a relatively weak fifth season. While the quality is not a question, its intensity is. Indeed, the Wire is on this list because of how outstandingly brutal it is.

One of the show€™s lasting impacts is in its realism, as it feels almost like a documentary. Creator David Simon is unflinching in his depiction of the relationship between crime and law enforcement in Baltimore. His commitment is partly why it's so hard to go back.

Sitting through the entire show twice would prove to be nearly impossible, as most viewers have problems the first time around because of the frighteningly realistic depiction of violence. The show does not hold back when it comes to showing the effects of crime and violence on the lives of the citizens and police of Baltimore.

Any television buff needs to watch this show,however, The Wire is not for the casual fan, and it demands the type of concentration that is difficult to commit to twice.


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