12 Awesome TV Shows You Can Only Watch Once

9. Lost

Lost Season four

Much like another JJ Abrams property on this list, Lost was a ton of fun while it aired. It was inarguably one of the best science-fiction shows on television, populated with rich characters and an addictively mind-bending plot. The ending of Season 3 provided fans with one of the best cliffhangers in television history, and it was consistently a hit in the ratings for ABC. And then the ending came.

While some ardent fans defend the ending as €œnot that bad€, most viewers were severely let down how unsatisfying the conclusion seemed. And all that unsatisfying ending did was draw too much attention to the flaws and other unanswered questions that had blighted the show up to that point.

Once you actually stop and think about the entire run of Lost, you realize how many plot holes and dropped storylines there were. What was the deal with Walt's psychic powers? What happened to the virus? Why does the explanation for what the smoke monster is make no sense?

The show was a ton of fun while it aired, but rewatching the entire thing would just be frustrating. Sorry Jack, we don€™t have to go back this time.


Graham Piro hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.