12 Awesome TV Shows You Can Only Watch Once

8. Alias

Alias cast

Alias seemed like a show ahead of its time: it was a female led spy show that was both well-written and well-paced.

Or at least the first few seasons were. The later seasons... went sideways fast as the show devolved into laughably convoluted plots about prophecies and conspiracies in intelligence agencies that really didn't make sense if you took more than five seconds to think about them. Garner and company did their best to keep the show on track, but it was painfully obvious that the writers were simply out of ideas.

Like Lost, Alias was fun at the time, but to say that the stories fall apart on a second viewing would be an understatement. By the time the ending rolled around, no one really cared enough to see how it ended, and watched out of a sense of duty rather than enjoyment.

The fact that the show is led by a strong female character does garner it respect, but it isn't worth watching more than once. Maybe JJ should stick to directing movies?


Graham Piro hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.