12 Awesome TV Shows You Can Only Watch Once

7. Dexter

dexter michael c hall

Of all the terrible finales on this list, Dexter is arguably the most disappointing. That's because the first four seasons of the show are some of the best ever on television: equal parts exciting, entertaining and intense. Dexter€™s adventures with hunting down fellow serial killers was the most compelling drama that graced screens at the time.

This culminated in the brilliant showdown between Dexter and the Trinity Killer at the conclusion of Season 4. Dexter really set the tone for shows like Hannibal that provided in depth looks into the psyche of a serial killer.

Unfortunately, Season 5 began a decline in quality that culminated in quite possibly the worst series finale of all time. It was so bad that star Michael C. Hall, who portrayed the eponymous Dexter, even admitted that he strongly disliked the finale as well. Unsurprisingly, fans are still clamoring for an alternate finale that provides a much more satisfying ending. That alone says everything you need to know about its rewatchability factor.


Graham Piro hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.