12 Awesome TV Shows You Can Only Watch Once

6. Heroes

Heroes cast

Like many others on this list, Heroes got off to a fantastic start. The first season was ripe with great characters, a compelling story, and potential. It finally seemed that NBC was willing to invest in the show's production value that could provide viewers with an awesome pre-cinematic-universes look at what superheroes would be like in real life. Initially, the show appeared to capture that idea perfectly, and the excellent cast led by Hayden Panettiere, Zachary Quinto, and Kristen Bell certainly did not hurt.

Unfortunately, the show quickly went downhill due to a number of production problems. Much of the show€™s potential was never realized as different storylines were dropped and added in on a whim, which did nothing for fan loyalty.

Ultimately a last ditch attempt to return some quality to the show failed to bolster sagging ratings. The first season is endlessly rewatchable, but the rest of the show is fairly horrendous.


Graham Piro hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.