12 Darkest South Park Moments Ever

2. Steven Spielberg And George Lucas Rape Indiana Jones

South Park Indiana Jones
Comedy Central

The China Probrem (Season 12, Episode 8)

The episode opens with Kyle withdrawn. However, the source of his angst is far from typical childhood troubles. He and his friends witnessed a rape and did nothing. The plot lingers on this dark revelation for an uncomfortable length of time, until Kyle’s nightmare reveals the absurdity. In a commentary on the panned Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, the victim is revealed to be Indiana Jones, and Stephen Spielberg and George Lucas his attackers.

Kyle implores everyone to remember the rape, recruiting people to his cause. There are two particularly disturbing recollections, both parodies of gut-wrenching movie scenes.

The first is the lawyer’s recollection which parodies the scene from The Accused where the protagonist is gang raped on a pinball machine. The second is Sergeant Harrison Yates’ which satirises The Deliverance’s rape scene in which the protagonist is assaulted by hillbillies who force him to squeal like a pig. Both are bizarre but missing humour.

The famed directors are brought to justice when police officers find them in the middle of raping a Stormtrooper. Along with the dead and raped bodies of Yoda and Short Round, this is enough evidence to put Lucas and Spielberg behind bars indefinitely.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.