12 Darkest South Park Moments Ever

5. Britney Spears Blows Off Half Of Her Head

South Park Indiana Jones
Comedy Central

Britney's New Look (Season 12, Episode 2)

In one of the creators' most timely and sharp satires, the episode mocks and empathises with their target in equal measures. Britney Spears makes the mistake of trying to escape media scrutiny in South Park. However, she is papped urinating on a ladybug and the photo is sold for $100,000. The Boys pressure perpetual victim Butters to dress up as a squirrel, with the aim of papping Britney “crapping” on him.

To cut through the hoard of other would-be paparazzi, The Boys claim to be Britney’s kids. Britney is overjoyed, however, her spirits crash when she realises it is just a joke. Britney is dismayed that she is never going to be left alone. In a macabre turn, she puts a shotgun in her mouth and pulls the trigger.

Britney survives leaving nothing north of her lower jaw. She is a gruesome sight only able to communicate in guttural garbling. However, Britney’s management continue to spearhead her career. In a parody of a disastrous real-world performance, her management force her to perform at the MTV Video Music Awards. She gargles over a beat, while being shunted around the stage by dancers.

As one reporter reviews it, “she looked tired, she looked fat, she didn’t have a head. It was just completely phoned in”.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.